Ancient Therapy
In modern times, there is a branch of psychology called Dance and Movement Therapy. Ancient Therapy a range of emotions during performances, and audiences watching the dances feel the emotions too. The Zar Ritual, The ritual consists of specific percussive rhythms and dance movements. The community of participating women also alleviate their own stress through the dancing. Some belly dancers (also called Oriental dancers) have reported similar conversations with audience members after their performances. Both modern dance and Oriental dance are capable of expressing deeply personal emotions.
Ancient Therapy
Belly dancing is rooted in ancient history, but is continually evolving. It incorporates traditional folkloric dance movements along with some aspects of dances which evolved later, such as ballet. However, belly dancing retains its classical emphasis on expressing joy and happiness; belly dancing is a traditional part of Near Eastern wedding celebrations and parties. All age groups, from children to senior citizens, enjoy belly dancing.
Ancient Therapy
Although technical expertise is stressed in belly dance classes, emotional expression continues to be a crucial aspect of this dance. Belly dancing unites the science of body movement with the soulful beauty of art, helping an individual express their unique feelings and emotions.
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