Ancient Therapy Acupuncture
The origin of acupuncture is uncertain, even though archeologists have discovered stone acupuncture needles in Mongolia that date back more than 5,000 years. Stone acupuncture needles were called Bian Stones and were refined from a particular type of stone that is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as several other minerals.
Ancient Therapy Acupuncture
Modern acupuncture needles are made from stainless steel and are extremely fine, ranging from 0.12 millimeter in diameter. Disposable stainless steel filiform needles are mostly used these days although gold or silver needles are still available. During an acupuncture therapy session, needles are inserted into specific acupoints of the body, which are situated over meridians within the body that pass through the vital organs on their journey to the body's extremities. There are twelve major meridians and several minor meridians that channel energy throughout the body, keeping it in balance.
Ancient Therapy Acupuncture
When the body suffers from ailments, aches or pains then it's balance can be restored by inserting needles into the acupuncture points that relate to the affected area of the body. Ancient Therapy Acupuncture effectively frees the meridian channels of any obstruction allowing energy to circulate freely, keeping the body in balance. This energy is known as Qi and when a channel becomes blocked Qi cannot flow freely, which causes pain or a physical ailment.
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